Our diet is the most powerful source of intervention in our body. Food supplies us with all the energy we need for our day-to-day work. Food sources all the basic raw materials we need for any type of repair in our body.
Though mental health is a complicated issue it has always been linked with some sort of inflammatory effect in your brain. Chemical reactions take place in our body all the time. During those reactions, oxygen molecules are broken into atoms.
These oxygen atoms have free electrons and are called free radicals. The radicals are unstable. They roam around from cell to cell in our body to look for electrons to pair with. That puts the body under stress and can cause body inflammation and other damages.
Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals. Upon consuming foods containing antioxidants your body can effectively neutralize these free radicals.
Researchers have long ago linked conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, schizophrenia and even bipolar disorder to inflammation. So they have come to an understanding that these inflammatory molecules have some effects on the chemicals that are released in the brain.
Researchers have found encouraging results upon treating mental health issues with supplements that fight inflammation. Supplements such as foliates, types of antioxidant amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 were effective to reduce symptoms of mental illness. So the evidence validates the importance of nutrition for mental health.